聖經與歷史 5:讀書小組
為了練習英文,我們每週閱讀大約3頁的英文版本聖經。討論時可用你覺得自在的方式,使用中英雙語。每週我們在文A206見面。討論時間通常是每週三晚上7:00 to 8:30。歡迎您於討論時間自由來訪。我們會有進一步的閱讀素材,您也可以在我們的臉書社團上取得這些資料 https://www.facebook.com/groups/160894460730767/
The Bible and History 5 – Reading Group
In addition to being a book of religion, the Bible is the basis of much of the cultural values, the language and the history of Western culture. For the fifth semester of this reading group, we are reading passages from the New Testament that help to understand how the Bible came together as a book, how it relates to topics of daily life, and how it presents a particular view of history.
To help practice English, we read about three pages a week in an English version of the Bible. Discussion is in either English or Chinese, as you feel comfortable. We meet every week in 文A206. The usual meeting time is on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30. Please feel free to drop in any week you are free. We will have extra readings available, or you can get them from our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/160894460730767/
See you there!
讀書會帶領人:東華大學 貝克定教授 Prof. Baker
電話: 03-8635333
地址:974花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路二段一號 東華大學歷史學系