* 成為東正教徒 Becoming Orthodox



It is precious to be orthodox
I was surprised to know how some people try to convert others to Christianity. They speak so simplistically, they do not really care about God but they call them to join to a group. They use the fear -threatening by hell to unbelievers, – or salvation but without explain from what, and most important they do not say what is the next step after salvation. OK, you are saved. then what?
The orthodox church says, join to the loving family of god. God loves all no matter good or bad. If you are bad, god is suffering first your evil acts in his body, and he can bring the life situation so you can depend and change or be punished. But The most important thing is the love of God, not only emotional but real, in the holy communion.
People nowadays do not speak or think of love. They do not know what it is. they care for money, security, power. But without love all those are the real hell.
It is not easy for the orthodox church to attract people. We do not want to proselytize people, we respect them. We do not say that they will go to hell if they are not Orthodox, God will judge everyone, we pray for all.
We cannot organize activities to attract the people in order gradually to control them, and to guide them to our group, it would be against our teachings.
Only we pray for everyone of you, we do the liturgy, to bring the body of Jesus in the land of Taiwan, and his love to all people, and honestly we say to you what we do and teach. We grow very slow but in the long term.
We hope you understand and see our humble and respectable way, and we pray to be in more dialogue with you. Feel free to ask, to express your objections or questions.