1 東正教/聖三/聖禮儀orthodox-trinity-liturgy 疑問 questions?


約翰福音10:10 … ..我來了,是要叫羊得生命,並且得的更豐盛。約翰福音17:13現在我往你那裡去,我還在世上說這話,是叫他們心裡充滿我的喜樂。

Why to become orthodox?
I met people who come to church because their husband/wife happened to be Orthodox. They say smiling I will consider to be Orthodox. But they do not … But why to become Orthodox? They can live without this, correct? Is it something more that they can earn? Yes and no.
There is no need to be orthodox if this is just for a habit or to be part of a national culture of traditional western Christians. There is no need to be Orthodox, if this is a belief system, like to accept some principles like god exists, died for us, demands prayers, we are sinners.
But if you want to love more, then you must become Orthodox. To be member of a loving community, which is based not on human agreements or social science assumptions, but to something more. 1John 3:14 我們因為愛弟兄, 就曉得是已經出死入生了。 沒有愛心的, 仍住在死中。 John 5:24 我實實在在地告訴你們, 那聽我話、 又信差我來者的, 就有永生; 不至於定罪, 是已經出死入生了。
You need to become orthodox to love perfectly. Perfect love cannot exists as long as there is death, and the fear of death.Rom. 8:38 因為我深信無論是死, 是生, 是天使, 是掌權的, 是有能的, 是現在的事, 是將來的事,
Rom. 8:39 是高處的, 是低處的, 是別的受造之物, 都不能叫我們與上帝的愛隔絕 (THIS IS FOR US ALSO, BETWEEN US ALSO); 這愛是在我們的主基督耶穌裏的。
God is love , and grands us the ability to love and have the joy for this.
John 10:10 ….. 我來了, 是要叫羊 *得生命, 並且得的更豐盛。 John 17:13 現在我往你那裏去, 我還在世上說這話, 是叫他們心裏充滿我的喜樂。
We cannot know god individually, but only as members of this loving community, called church, -not club, not association, not political or economical party. Church is the living body of god who become human , to make the love perfect.
God who exists as coexistence, and grands us this way, to exist as coexistence, not because we came to this like as a product of love of our parents, but we live because we are loved by god and the others.