是「愛人」對被愛者的行動。沒有位格,就 沒有愛。神就是最終極的愛人,是一切愛的泉源。遺憾的是,人們往往將神誤解為權力、憤怒……等。「神就是愛」(約翰壹書4:8)~李亮神父 http://goo.gl/uhT7CJ
Love is not an abstract emotion, but a deep movement for the other, the beloved. So love is action -mental, emotional, bodily etc..- of the LOVER to the beloved. Without persons there is no love. God is the ultimate lover, the source of every love. It is pity that people have misconceptions that God is power, or angry etc…1John 4:8 …. 神就是愛. (Fr. Jonah) http://goo.gl/uhT7CJ