節慶 復活節 Feast: Easter (and Great Lent)

2024年聖週及復活節時刻表 /2024 Holy Week and Pascha Services (Time Table)

4月26日星期五,    7:00 pm  聖禮儀:紀念拉撒路復活
April 26, Friday   7:00 pm  Liturgy: Lazarus’s resurrection

4月28日,10:30 am  聖禮儀:聖枝主日/棕櫚主日
April 28, 10:30 am  Liturgy: Palm Sunday

4月29日,19:30 pm  聖週一:新郎儀式及晨禱
April 29, 19:30 Holy Monday: Bridegroom Service

4月30日 聖週二 19:30pm 新郎儀式及晨禱
April 30 Holy Tuesday, 19:30 pm Bridegroom Service

5月1日 聖週三19:30 pm 敷聖油儀式
May 1 Holy Wednesday 19:30 Sacrament of Holy Unction

 5月2日 聖週四 10:30 am  最後晚餐紀念儀式(晚禱及聖禮儀)
May 2 Holy Thursday 10:30 am, Last Supper (Liturgy)

 5月2日 聖週四 19:30 pm 基督受難紀念儀式(誦讀福音書:基督釘十架)
May 2 Holy Thursday 19:30 Holy Passion service

5月3日 聖週五 15:00pm 佈置花葬(耶穌的墳墓)
May 3  15:00 pm Decorating the Epitaphios
19:30 pm 晚禱及哀歌(紀念耶穌的死亡)

19:30 pm The Funeral of Jesus service

5月4日 聖週六  9:00 am  耶穌基督降至陰間(晚禱及聖禮儀)
May 4, 9:00 am Holy Saturday, the descent into Hades of Jesus Christ

5月 4日,19:30pm 復活節:復活節晨禱及聖餐禮
May 4, 19:30 pm Pascha service

5月5日 無聖禮儀  (聖禮儀已於5月4日星期六晚間舉行)
May 5, No Liturgy (it was on Saturday night)

Under the  circumstances, all Orthodox, in TAIWAN, are welcomed to participate in the holy communion, no matter all sad situations of the past, we accept all those who love and those who hate our church, to receive holy communion and celebrate the holy resurrection, in Jesus love. Please inform your friends etc…

在此情況下,歡迎台灣所有東正教徒來參加聖餐禮儀,無論過去發生什麼悲慘事件,我們接受所有愛我們的及恨我們教會的人,在耶穌的愛裡,前來領受聖餐,慶祝神聖的複活節 。 請告知您的朋友…..等等

Only orthodox people can receive holy communion -not from other christian denominations of faiths-. Those who want to receive must be spiritually prepared , specially by holy confession.If someone has a lot time to confess, he can read the paper about guidelines for confession, we have at church, and confess to the priest. Please do not come to confess 5minits before the service starts, you are cheating god amd yourselves. I am always at church, you have all the time to come…..

只有東正教徒才能領受神聖的聖餐,而不是來自其他基督教教派的信仰者。 想要領聖餐者必須作好靈性的準備,特別是藉著神聖的懺悔聖事。如果有人很久都沒有懺悔告解,可以閱讀關於懺悔告解指南的文件,我們教堂備有此文件,閱讀並審視自己需告解的事項,然後再向神父告解懺悔。 不要等到聖禮儀開始前5分鐘才來說:我要告解。你這是自欺欺人。 我總是在教堂,在復活節前你有的是時間來告解…..


for those who are “busy” to come once a year for a few hours to the passion of our Lord, and they refuse to arrange their precious time schedule in their hearts, i remind the words of Jesus..Matt. 26:40 Then he came to the disciples and found them sleeping; and he said to Peter, “So, could you not stay awake with me one hour?

對於那些總是 “忙碌 “每年只花幾小時來參加一次我們主的受難的人,然而他們心中拒絕安排他們寶貴的時間給主。我以耶穌的話提醒你們,Matt 26:40 祂來到門徒那裡,見他們睡著了,就對彼得說:怎麼樣?你們不能同我儆醒片時麼?Matt. 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matt 6:21 因為你的財寶在哪裡,你的心也在那裡。


