Home March 一切無非是愛 It is all about Love

一切無非是愛 It is all about Love

by pelayu






































































我想,如果你接受以上的觀念,那麼你已經是正教會的基督徒了,接下來,你就會了解,上帝並不是一種極大的權力,也不是全能者(Almighty,事實上,聖經中並沒有這個字,這是一個錯誤的翻譯,希臘字原本的意思是萬物的包容者All Embracing)。上帝是終極的「他者」(Other),是最終的「愛」,上帝的存在就像「聖三位一體」一樣,是一種共存的狀態。
















It is all about love.
I write the following from love and respect for the common person who nowadays finds difficult to follow the old religious ways (traditional Chinese worship , temples paper money etc) and does not follow , but may be once a year , just to please his family . He does not follow because probably he graduated from a university , he uses internet and finds not easy to accept the old believes. But from the other point of view , may be there is some empty space inside his heart, may be there is a feeling of something missing.
Of course i cannot prove to you the existence of god. And actually what is proof? From scientific point of view is to conclude something based on generally accepted principles.
I cannot prove god because if i prove god should not be god because he is UNDER my scientific logic, experiment and methods.
But let us talk from some other point of view


I live this life and i know for sure that i am not alone. There are other things , other people like me.
I know also that i can NOT live alone. I cannot live out of the society, i cannot live without THINGS (food , house , water etc).
My life my happiness is constructed of relationships. I have friends, i love specially somebody as lover and husband or wife, i make a family, i have kids etc.
Besides i live in the society , i face the question, what i am doing in this world.
I , you need something to help me, to inspire me to keep living , to face the difficulties, to keep the love and to increase the love and at the same time make me creative .


I speak about love because i think everybody would like to receive love and to give love. Even he has a lot of money or he is famous , personally is not happy without love.
And also without creativity i am already dead. To be creative , to make new things, is life, and gives a deep feeling of happiness.
Creativity is also a kind of love , of devotion to something , for example my science , or serving the society as teacher or any other job. Without the love , my job becomes boring my life becomes boring.
This love is something that casts out the fear of death. Because we know that definitely we will die, but we do not pay attention to this question , we do not try to answer it. And i think that if we do not know how to live, there is no way to know how to die.
The problem is how to know more about love, how to practice love and increase love.


We also understand that love is connected with freedom.
Love without freedom is not real love .
My meaning is that i love without any obligation.
Not because i must love but just because i choose this freely. For example it is different to love you because you are my family, (of course it is obligation but sometimes i have problems with my family) and it is different to love you because i choose to love you , even you are not the most rich, beautiful or even the best person in the world. Love means i can accept the weakness of the other and love him NOT BECAUSE HE IS GOOD but because i choose to love him/her.
From this point of view LOVE MAKES US REALLY FREE from the need of human nature. Art is a good example for this. For example there is no need to pain something , but i do it , there is no need to sing, or to write a poem, i can speak what i want to say. All those acts, poetry, painting songs etc…make us to be real human beings.
LOVE is the ultimate act of our freedom , makes us real humans.


I write all those things because i think a modern person will agree, you agree also. The only objection should be that nowadays it is not only about love but about money. Because without money you cannot have love. But i think the opposite. Because you CAN be happy if you have love even in prison, if you know that somebody still loves you. I think modern people do not know how to die because they do not know how to live.
Living without love is to live like a hungry ghost. You go only after money and when you have it you do not know how to spend. And of course you cannot take money in your grave.
But if you work and in parallel you have love, you give love and you receive love , then you can work better, your emotional intelligence is better, you hake power of the love to be more creative and successful.
If you dig more about love , you will discover the orthodox church.
Because the orthodox church is the other name of the love.
What is God? Just love
And he gives us love , unconditional love.
Not only this but he is the source and the center and the giver of the love.
Sick people created an idea of god like a big policeman who writes our sins and prepares punishment for us.
Huge mistake. The just express their psychological problem because THEY LIKE THIS PUNISHMENT , of course for the others not for them.
What is the hell? NOT TO LOVE. Reject the love of anybody you feel the hell.


Love makes us human persons.
I become human because i have the ability and i choose to love. If you do not love , even if you are very smart or educated you become a killer a thief or a tyrant of the people.



I exist BECAUSE OF THE OTHER and FOR the other.

I think if you accept all the above you are already orthodox Christian . Then you understand that GOD is not the ultimate power , almighy , (actually this word does not exist in bible , is misstranslation of the Greek word ALL EMBRACING ) . God is the ultimate OTHER . Is the ultimate love. God exists as trinity. As coexistence.
And this love is not only a concept, it should be something human something we can touch.
Finally the god who is love become human.
He become human so that to make possible to us to go to the ultimate unity which is love.
How can i be united with you , you who reads the text? Just by my emotions? But if you really love , this is not enough. Must be something to unite me REALLY not only emotionally , with you and all the universe.
And this is the god-love who become human. So that participating to Him, to participate to all , to be members of each other.
This is the point about Christianity.
The unity not for power or under power or in a principle, or by force. But the unity with the ultimate LOVER who is god and who loved us freely so much so that become human to be our union and our transformation.


I think this is enough for a new begging for a modern person. It is the answer to what he is seeking.
And finally he has nothing to lose. He is free not to accept if he does not like or if he finds something better.
But i think it is worthy to try , at least once this way of life, the way of love.




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