1 東正教/聖三/聖禮儀orthodox-trinity-liturgy • 9 其他 other • featured 東正教會:獨一無二、至聖、至公、宗徒所傳承之教會, 簡明介紹 (The Orthodox Church: A Concise Introduction)
2 教會聖事 Church Sacraments • 講道影片 Sermons Video 邪靈能附身嗎?sermon on Mark 9, can evil spirit posses a man? views from neuroscience and quantum mechanics
節慶 復活節 Feast: Easter (and Great Lent) 2024年聖週及復活節時刻表 /2024 Holy Week and Pascha Services (Time Table)
1 東正教/聖三/聖禮儀orthodox-trinity-liturgy • 9 其他 other • featured 東正教會:獨一無二、至聖、至公、宗徒所傳承之教會, 簡明介紹 (The Orthodox Church: A Concise Introduction)
2 教會聖事 Church Sacraments • 講道影片 Sermons Video 邪靈能附身嗎?sermon on Mark 9, can evil spirit posses a man? views from neuroscience and quantum mechanics
節慶 復活節 Feast: Easter (and Great Lent) 2024年聖週及復活節時刻表 /2024 Holy Week and Pascha Services (Time Table)
講道 Sermons 耶穌治癒病童:真正的信心 On Faith (Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Boy) August 10, 2018 【 馬太福音 17:14~23 】 耶穌和門徒到了眾人那裡,有一個人來見耶穌,跪下,說:「主啊,憐憫我的兒子!他害癲癇的病很苦,屢次跌在火裡,屢次跌在水裡。我帶他到你門徒那裡,他們卻不能醫治他。」...