2 教會聖事 Church Sacraments • 講道影片 Sermons Video 邪靈能附身嗎?sermon on Mark 9, can evil spirit posses a man? views from neuroscience and quantum mechanics
節慶 復活節 Feast: Easter (and Great Lent) 2024年聖週及復活節時刻表 /2024 Holy Week and Pascha Services (Time Table)
2 教會聖事 Church Sacraments • 講道影片 Sermons Video 邪靈能附身嗎?sermon on Mark 9, can evil spirit posses a man? views from neuroscience and quantum mechanics
節慶 復活節 Feast: Easter (and Great Lent) 2024年聖週及復活節時刻表 /2024 Holy Week and Pascha Services (Time Table)
3.1 東正教節慶 Orthodox Feasts • 聖像畫 Iconography 拜占庭藝術聖像畫解說: 神顯節 The Icon of Theophany January 14, 2019 台灣首位取得國際認證,並曾經在千年歷史的拜占庭教堂繪製聖像的畫家于涓,為您詳細解說「耶穌受洗」的聖像畫。