疑問 questions?

Q & A 為什麼東正教無法讓天主教或新教徒領取聖餐呢(1)? Can Catholics and Protestants receive Orthodox’s Holy Communion?

聖餐是屬於教會特有的特色也是最主要的,聖餐就是教會. To receive the holy communion is the fruit of being a member of the church. 領受聖餐的結果是成為教會的成員。 其意義為: Which means 1. to believe correctly, 相信正確地 2. have the same faith. 有同樣信念 3. have a life as possible as clean an forgiven. 擁有可以被寬恕與潔淨的生命 Unfortunately we are not one church.不幸的是我們現在所處的教會並不是合一的 Many Protestants do not believe that the holy communion is the body and blood of Jesus Christ, but they think this is a symbol (we see how they practice the Eucharist in their churches) or others are notsure








To receive the holy communion is the fruit of being a member of the church.









Which means



1. to believe correctly, 相信正確地



2. have the same faith. 有同樣信念



3. have a life as possible as clean an forgiven. 擁有可以被寬恕與潔淨的生命



Unfortunately we are not one church.不幸的是我們現在所處的教會並不是合一的



Many Protestants do not believe that the holy communion is the body and blood of Jesus Christ, but they think this is a symbol (we see how they practice the Eucharist in their churches) or others are notsure
what it is. But we do believe this is Jesus body and blood.

許多新教徒不相信聖餐是耶穌基督的身體和血液,但是他們認為這是只是象徵性的(我們也看到他們在教會裡如何來實踐聖餐) 有些信徒也不敢肯定或不確定甚至不知道所領受的是什麼(是象徵性或真實的聖體血)。但東正教信徒相信也知道這是耶穌身體和寶血.



For our catholic brothers , i feel really deep pain that i am not allowed to give them the holy communion, because, their church is separated from us, because of dogmatic reasons. The holy communion is
thechurch, is not just a blessing.




The unity of the church is not to sign some paper but to celebrate liturgy together. The same happens if some orthodox separates bishop or priest for personal reasons (Protestants understand this because
very easy create 獨立的教會 ) and creates his own church. The faith is same, but he split thebody of Jesus. the members of this church , even they ‘believe ‘ orthodox they are not allowed to receive the holy




Also for some believer to receive the holy communion must receive the forgiveness of sins. Sins we commit continuously. And nobody is without sin. We receive the forgiveness from the church, and not directlyindividually
from god, as we receive the baptism , the holy communion not directly and individually from god to our homes, but in the church. protestants do not accept the sacrament of forgiveness, other sacraments too.




We believe to the same god, yes but some of our brothers of other churches they have some wrong concepts of faith.

事實上我們相信的並不是同一位上帝.(有些新教不相信三位一體神,甚至有教會說聖靈就是基督,有些錯誤的信仰是大公會議所譴責異端的信仰 ………….等等)



Many Protestants believe wrongly about the Holy trinity, some even they do not know about this. and Catholics believe wrongly about the holy spirit. our website tries to explain those things because many
people , specially Chinese do not have all the resources for the christian faith .



And finally , faith is not only a belief, is mainly the participation in the church, in the body of Jesus Christ, not a philosophical activity of mind



We pray to come one day that all our brothers who now are separated from our church, will reunite to the




, which is the orthodox church, and we really suffer as long as weare separated.
