
by pelayu


Holy communion & sociality
No matter you are christian or not, did you ever think how holly communion increases or sociality, and creates new social ties? Society is not just people living together because this help their lives. Is something more? Is like a big family? But we are not really family. And many times, although we would like to be family with others, still we are afraid, we do not trust them.
Now, if I receive the holy communion, the body of the God-man, I become by some other way-really not only in my thoughts or imagination- connected with the universe and with the others of course.
Is this not respecting the freedom of the other? No. For example even if you do not like me, I beat the same air with you and some air which comes out of your nose enters to my lungs. We have all some inter-influence.
But the holy communion makes this interconnection very deep, very beautiful , very open.
If there is something holy, something lovely between us, not to separate but to unite, how good will be the life.
This gives a new meaning to our environment.
For example, I go to a restaurant to eat. It is not a common food. It is the food that the specific cook prepare for me, -not the abstract concept of customer- and the waitress served to me with respect.
If I see only the food and nothing else, I am not a spiritual person. But if I see the food in the context of the cook, the shop , the area, then the food becomes sociality.
Lets open ourself to think deeper.
The holy communion is the highest sociality.

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