7. 聖經 Bible 疑問 questions?


水仙高興地等待想聽到:讚美耶和華!!!! ?
其意義不是一位抽象暴君的父親。哥林多前書 8:6然而我們只有一位神,就是父……,哥林多後書。 1:3願頌讚歸與我們的主耶穌基督的父上帝,聖經中的上帝是指父親,祂不能沒有兒子和聖靈。這層關係始終存在。因為他有個兒子,我們也可以稱他父親。

What do we mean by “god”
Did you ever think about this? A super power? Some one (not important who is ) whom we can manipulate by asking favors in exchange of “glorifying” him?
A narcissus who is waiting and happy to hear : praise the lord!!!! ?
An imagination that we create to face our ultimate fear, the fear of death ?
The opium of the people?
May be but it is not what the orthodox mean by the word God.
The mean not an abstract tyrant by the Father. 1Cor. 8:6 然而我們只有一位 神, 就是父 .., 2Cor. 1:3 願頌讚歸與我們的主耶穌基督的父上帝 , in the bible God is the Father, He cannot be without the Son and the Holy Spirit. Exists always in relation. Because he has Son, we can also call him Father.
He is not climate abstract power but the ultimate lover.
But if you ask, i do not need any love, already you are in the wrong way. Without love the life is hell. Without Lover there is no love.
You are not the source of love but the receiver of love. 1John 4:10 不是我們愛 神, 而是 神愛我們, ……, 這就是愛了。