Archive - June 2020

祈禱 Pray


COVID – 19 is a big threat to our health, and to our security. Obeying to the directions of the government of Taiwan Roc. and the spiritual instructions...


others (religions, ideologies)

we love respect, welcome and pray for everyone, no matter his religion or other characteristics. we exist to spread the love of God to all human beings, all...



divine liturgy, Sunday, 10:30 am, (in Chinese) (free supper after, and discussion)divine liturgy, daily & feasts (please call) friendly meetings and...

1 東正教/聖三/聖禮儀orthodox-trinity-liturgy 講道影片 Sermons Video

聖靈 Holy Spirit (1)

跟隨耶穌….. 不是為了上天堂…. 或怕下地獄遭受審判…. …..真愛裡沒有懼怕…… 聽聽來自傳承於初代大公教會李亮神父的證道 今日教會記念所有的聖徒,在五旬節過後的一週,這是極為重要的,為何是在聖靈降臨後的一週呢?因為聖徒就是聖靈的果實,聖靈賜予所有人真正的聖潔。...