疑問 questions?

Q & A 是不是信了基督教之後,就不可以拿香祭拜亡者或祖先?Can we burn the incense to commemorate our ancestors after converting to Christianity?

請問一下,信了東正教後,還能到祭拜祖先或是拿香拜拜嗎?在我讀書的時候,我選修了一門基督教的課,那堂課總會找一些教徒來分享他們的見證,有一次,有一個教授說:「我在當兵的時候,部隊裡發生了意外,隊上的阿兵哥都覺得是在鬧鬼,所以就說要來祭拜一下,當時我心裡覺得很不高興,我是個基督徒,我怎麼可以拿香祭拜亡者?在心不甘情不願的情況下,我還是拿了香,為死者祈禱,後來,我就生了一場重病,我知道那一定是主耶穌在處罰我,那時我就祈求上帝寬恕我的罪,我絕對不會在拿香了,後來我的病就慢慢的好了。」 這堂無聊的課,就這一段我記得最清楚,這件事讓我覺得非常的疑惑,是不是信了基督宗教之後,就不可以拿香祭拜亡者或祖先了呢? Answer: 謝謝你提出這個重要的問題。 ㄧ﹑讓我們先釐清一件事情,這個問題發問的重點應該是在於「祭拜儀式」或「敬神儀式」。 正教會認為,「敬拜上帝」和「祭拜祖先」是不同的,對此,正教會很清楚要如何作區分。 關於這個議題,我們在另一篇文章中,已經做了詳細的論述,歡迎你上我們的網站去閱讀,或許可以作為參考:https://theological.asia/content/it-allowed-pray-dead 除了這篇文章之外,網站上還有其它文章,都有提到相關的問題。



























是的,他們可以帶來厄運,讓我來跟你分享一個故事。我來自阿陀斯聖山(Mount. Athos),那裡有一個古老的勞拉修道院 ,這個修道院興建於公元963年,當初,修道院的創辦人,選定了一個荒廢的古希臘神廟(在這裡,古希臘人曾經向眾神祇獻祭)作為創院的地點(甚至到了今天,這裡還保留了當初他們殺人的刑場)。這是一個魔鬼嚮往的地方,也曾是魔鬼中意的住所。


當第一批工人開始修築勞拉修道院時,他們的手就好像癱瘓了一樣,而且,他們建好的一切東西,幾天後就被破壞殆盡。St. Athanasios,也就是修道院的創始者,他知道這一切正是惡靈在做祟。






















Thanks for your very important question.


1.The main problem here is the worship. Let us clear the things.


The orthodox know how to distinguish things.


It is different to worship god, and it is different to worship ancestors.


We already explain this here , please read(參閱FAQ:我可以為我的祖先祈禱嗎?)。



And other places in this web site.


It is your obligation to honor ancestors, but they are not gods. It is different to worship god and different to honor people, even sometimes seem to have same movements or ways.


2. what your professor told you , is not quite correct.


Correct is that, yes there are evil spirits, devils, or souls which cooperate with devils.


Yes, they can cause bad things. I share to you, in mount Athos from which i come, the ancient monastery of Lavra




Built at 963ac.


But the place that the founder choose was a ruined temple of ancient Greek religion, where they had human sacrifices to the Gods (even today you can see the place they used to kill people) . It was a place
where the demons were happy , the demons used to like the place. When the first workers try to build the monastery, their hands become like paralyzed, and everything they built the other day was destroyed. St Athanasios, the founder, understood the evil influence. He said to the workers to built a very small church very fast, with stones, in a few hours. (you can see this today ) then they did liturgy. The Grace of God, the power of Jesus Christ, destroyed completely
the evil energy. The workers after this could work and very well. I could say to you a lot of similar cases from my experience when i was in Africa.


The church has special service to cast out the demons, from people and places.


The difference with Chinese is HOW we cast the demons.


The Chinese worship them, beg them , offer sacrifices to them , so recognizing the evil power. The orthodox church, ORDERS , does not nagociate, the power of Jesus Christ is above everything and can cast all evil power.


This is the wrong thing they did.


Your professor become sick, probably from some decease, or from his fear. Jesus did not punish him, Jesus is not punishing, is love. Or probably , when we beg the demons to leave, when we offer to them incense,
we accept their power and sometimes we give them the right to enter to us and control us and make us sick.


I speak about demons. Because the souls of the people who probably died there , they do not have this power to come and torture people or harm places. They are resting waiting the second coming and the last judgment of God. They
are resting like we expect the result of an entry examination. Many times we know we fail, we already suffer, other times we are happy we know we pass, we write well. But as i say in the link above they care for us, and they
need our prayer , as it is expressed by incense and prayers TO GOD for them, no mater they are good or bad. It is our obligation to offer incense to God for them.


We offer incense also to God images as -if you are orthodox- you see in the church. The priest offers incense to God AND TO THE PEOPLE, to each of the people in the church because we are IMAGES of God, and
doing this reminds us who we are and should be. And of course we offer in this way insence to our dead ancestors.