婚前為何不能有性行為 性行為不僅是自然反應.是來自身,心,靈更深層的表達.聖經說過經由性行為男人和女人成為 “一體”, 其意義並不僅是肉體的連結,而是經由愛將彼此的肉體連結,性如果沒有愛那就是謊言,因為性行為有更深層的內涵----包含承諾---- 彼此相愛.關於性並不是靠著自我的想法所做的選擇;而是在性行為本身...
8 活動 Activities
this is for activities and introductions
p {font-size: large} 上帝應允我們的禱告嗎? 很多人問這個問題:有任何意義要祈禱嗎? 如果上帝是大有能力的(祂一定是大有能力,否則祂不是上帝),還有上帝必須是無所不知,難道祂還期許我告訴祂該如何做嗎? 如果上帝是良善的,仁慈的...
pray1prayer mindmap
an orthodox suggestion for prayer.
please drag and move , and press the symbols of + or - to enlarge to see better, or reduce.
Jesus prayerprayer of the heart mindmap please drag and move , and press the symbols of + or - to enlarge to see better, or reduce. you will see an outline of...
lovespirituality mindmap please drag and move , and press the symbols of + or - to enlarge to see better, or reduce. you will see an outline of the orthodox...