SEPTEMBER 14 Universal Exaltation (Elevation) of the Precious and Life-giving Cross “Lord I Call…” Tone 6 Lord, I call upon...
3. 屬靈生命與信仰 Spiritual life and faith
舉揚十字聖架節 9月14日 Elevation of the Cross 十字聖架節旨在紀念基督釘十字架。為紀念基督被釘十字架受難、受死,這一天要完全禁食禱告。...
Sermons of Melito of Sardis: ,Joseph of Arimathea, Cyril of Jerusalem ,Evodius of Rome , Theodosius of Alexandria , ohn of Damascus: Homilies on the Dormition...
2013.03.31 sermon by Father Jonah 馬可福音 Mark 2:1-11 神非受造的恩典與真正的友誼 The Uncreated Grace of God and True Friendship...