Whispers (Magazine)

掃去塵埃,讓愛發亮 Cleaning Tombs, Revealing Love















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Cleaning Tombs, Revealing Love

Millions of people today, at the beginning of the spring go to clean the tombs of the beloved departed ones.  They stay hours on the spot, clean the place, burn incense. They pray…

The death that separated us mercilessly from our beloved ones, did not totally win. The children, the other members of the family, who very often live far away, they are all around the grave of the beloved on. Yea, the death separated us but did not succeed to keep us apart. The new lives, that came into existence and the others living, have reunion over the grave fooling the death. They do not really pay attention to the death, they despise him, and they have something very important to do. To enjoy the presence and the love of each other in the invisible presence of the ancestor. As an orthodox I could recognize the presence of god there although the people do not know Him and do not believe to him. Because god is love which overcomes the death, and he created human being as love, as social person, to be, to exist as coexistence, but in the degree that each one accepts and practices.

Real life is to live in the society but with our dead people as well. Our interaction with them grabs us temporarily from our present and travels in the past. This trip back in time, close to our loved ones, opens another perspective on how to perceive time. This is when we transcend the (time), we can love and relate beyond time. Love distorts the time. We can gaze the future cleaning the tombs by our hands, praying in our minds, and radiating pulses of love in our hearts.

We see the presence from a new perspective, and we gaze the future with smile, and we see them both not as gauge of time but as measure of love which always prevails. Present, we know that everything we do, everything we plan, must stand in front of time, must be worthy to survive, must live, no-matter death exists or not. Must live and indeed will live if it is act of love, if our target and methods were from love. We gaze the future because we know, although we do not want to express it, it will be a time for us, that others, our kids, our friends will gather, and we will be there without body. But we do not afraid, we know that the love still exists; with body or without body still we love.

In the Orthodox Church, we celebrate this meeting very glorious in the Divine Liturgy everyday. The souls of our beloved are around the source of life, the body and blood of Jesus.

They live because He loves them, no-matter what. They are around us because we love them by the love of Jesus, and by our poor good heart.

We are together because we are waiting the great day, the day of the resurrection, in which we will receive our bodies again. Then we can touch again, enjoy the ultimate presence of the others, all, all the universe, in the presence and love of god.

Our church this week specially, -but of course we do every day, specially every Saturday- will be spiritually with you, in our tomb cleaning reunion, sending the message that life is a coexistence, shared life and that the love overcomes the death.

~Fr. Jonah