Home 疑問 questions? Q & A 請問我該如何向孩子介紹上帝呢?How to introduce God to my children?

Q & A 請問我該如何向孩子介紹上帝呢?How to introduce God to my children?

by pelayu















































Try to give them love. If they receive love they will understand what is this thing and latter they can understand god as love.


Tell them that there is somebody who loves them very much, more than you or anybody else.


Somebody who is always with them, so they should never feel the fear to be alone.


Tell them that this ‘somebody’ loves them always, no matter if they are good or bad kids, and will never abandon them.


If they ask them, why He loves us, be careful,, this shows that the kinds do not really experience love from you or your husband, they do not really know the unconditional love…. so, try first to know this
and do not think that you are real Christian.


If they ask you does “HE” has a family , you will say, of course has a family there are 3, and actually , “HE” sent his Son to be with you, and his name is Jesus.


Then they will ask you where is ‘he’? Show him to us.


You may say, ‘he’ is very shy, he does not want to give them trouble, he like to play with them hiding , as they play with other kids. But if they go to church , ‘He’ is there, and he likes them
so much that he becomes so small, like a small peace of sweet bread and he wants to be one with them, not only to kiss them, but to enter to them. And this is why we go to church. To kiss him .


(The church is not a theory, a faith. Is to receive the body of Jesus inside you in the liturgy, to be one with others. If we give the holly communion to kids, this , Jesus will teach them by himself. They
are pure and can understand what he says.)


Teach them also that all the things that they love and play , this ‘He’, Jesus loves them also. That everything they see, are love by Jesus.


Pray with them . Teach them how to pray -if of course you know how to pray.


Teach them to say , thank you God, for your love.


I love you , too , thank you you love me, my parents, my friends , everything.help them also, every one to be good and happy. And let them talk to god, they definatelly will talk to Him better than anyone
of us.


If they say, now i suffer, i have a wound, teach them also that Jesus suffers with them also, takes more of their pain. And that their pain reminds them that other kids also have pain, so they should pray for


Mother or father, you give your stamp, your seal to your kids mind, probably for all their life. Be very serious,, church is not an obligation but the real life.


If you have some more suggestions please we are glad to put in our website




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