(9) 與其他宗教的不同 Differences: Other Religions Whispers (Magazine)

關於「業」的疑問 Karma Questions

karmakarma關於「業」(Karma)的一些疑問 karma questions (下方文字節錄自維基百科對於「佛教中的業」所作的解釋) Second, you really are responsible for your actions. There is no outside force, like the stars or some good or evil being, acting through you. When you are conscious, you are the one who decides what happens. (see this link) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karma_in_Buddhism 中譯如下: 第二,你必須承擔自己行為的後果。因為,沒有任何的「外力」(例如:天上的星象、善良的眾生、邪惡的眾生…等)可以在你身上作用。當你能夠覺察到這一點的時候,你就是命運的主宰者。(請參考以下的連結) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karma_in_Buddhism 針對此段敘述,我想提出一些疑問:




karma questions


Second, you really are responsible for your actions. There is no outside force, like the stars or some good or evil being, acting through you. When you are conscious, you are the one who decides what happens. (see this link)



如果一個人只有「意識」,而沒有「我」的本體的存在,那麼,你要如何承擔自己行為的後果呢?究竟是誰在承擔自己行為的後果呢?如果沒有「我」的本體的存在,那麼,究竟是「八識」(前五識,即眼、耳、鼻、舌、身五種感官;第六識,即意識;第七識,即末那識;第八識,即阿賴耶識 )中的哪一個「意識」在承擔自己行為的後果呢?






‧就好像《那先比丘經》中所提到的彌蘭王(King Milinda Pahna)與那先比丘的辯論一樣,我們將車子分解之後,變成許多部份,卻無法找到那個叫做車子的東西。(請參閱http://www.cbeta.org/result/normal/T32/1670b001.htm)為什麼我們不把「八識」分解成更細微的「子意識」呢?也就是說將八個「意識」分解為十六個「意識」或三十二個「意識」…等。如果從邏輯觀點來看,「八識」被分解成許多「子意識」之後,這八個「意識」也同樣不存在,或者,我們可以說,「八識」不只可以分成八個「意識」,還可以分成無窮個「意識」,就好像各種基本粒子一樣(例如:夸克、電子…等)。
















karma questions





Second, you really are responsible for your actions. There is no outside force, like the stars or some good or evil being, acting through you. When you are conscious, you are the one who decides what happens. (see this link)


my question:


 how you can have responsibility, if there are only consiousnes, 意識, but you have NO PERSONAL IDENTITY? who is responsible? because there is no personal identity , which one of the eight consciousnesses ( five 五識 corresponding the sense perceptions, the sixth 意識 to the thinking mind, the seventh 末那識 to the notion of ego, and the eighth 阿賴耶識 ) curries the responsibility?


 what makes those 8 consiousneses to continue to exist after my death, and then to reform ‘me’ in the next life?


 i am liberated if i escape the attachment to those 8 dharmas which are supposed to be impermanent, and changeable to the better or worse. my question is how they are interacting? must be something else to drive them, to control them. if you say to me there is nothing else, THERE IS NO PERSONAL IDENTITY, soul , etc, there is NOTHING PERMANENT, but THERE UNION BECOMES THE WHAT WE CALL PERSON, HUMAN BEING ETC, like for example any material thing consists of many molecules, and those molecules make the thing tohave shape, identities etc, -as to my poor understanding buddhism says,- then we have more difficult logical problems. :


o the problem of the temporary parts as it is expressed in milinda pahna. which is , that why not to continue to divide the 8 dharmas to more sub-dharmas, and from 8 to become 16, 32, etc… SO THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION IS THAT THE 8 DHARMAS DO NOT EXIST, OR THERE ARE NOT 8 BUT AN INFINITE NUMBER like the different particles (quarks, electrons etc….)


o there is no ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY because WHAT or WHO curries it? see here visuddhimaga 清淨道論 chap XVI ,513(there is only pain but you can not find him who suffers the pain. the acts exist but you cannot find the responsible there is nirvana, but not he who search. the way exists but not the traveler)


§ in that case if i kill you, i kill NOBODY, or


§ if karma is correct, may be i do a favor to you because YOU WAS A BAD PERSON IN YOUR PREVIOUS LIFE, THIS IS WHY NOW YOU DIE SO BAD DEATH.


o the 8 dharmas? if we say that they are like in field theory, and a state equation represents them, for example like the system momentum or entropy, in that case we should accept MORE THINGS that come out and make thos 8 dharmas to be together in the next lives i will have, something that in is invariant like the total energy etc…


 as i said before , my questions are not to provoke buddhism which i do respect a lot but to start some mutual understanding dialogue.


 i also want once more to point out , that Buddhism IS a religion. if you accept the above things , which actually every buddhist must accept, you accept them, NOT AS LOGICAL TRUTHS BUT AS A FAITH. a trust to a person, to buddha. in that case of course , i respect the decision, and i have nothing to say, because if you started accepting you will accept the contradictions also. but if you say that those belives we can CONCLUDE from our experience and logic, of course we must talk about the contradictions.


there is also another question about the reason-result 因果 which is very important in reincarnation. what is the connection with the time? as we know causality has always to do with the arrow of time. we say A is the reason of B . in that case FIRST comes A and then follows B. because if B comes first then obviously is the reason and not the result.


so i think that we omit something: the existence of time. if reason-result exists, time also must exist. which means we must not just ACCEPT the causality, without examining HOW the reason —-result pair works.


but if the time consists of parts, as in milidha pahna we can understand, there is not really time, because the time consists of moments. actually it is the ancient greek paradox of Zeno, one of the most difficult mathematical puzzles. if there is no time, then how a Buddhist defines the causality, and the karma?