
by pelayu


God as best friend.
Somebody asked me: I do not need any god. What I did in my life I do by my work, my job. Why to pray? why to have god? I told him, really you are very worthy person, honest and good. But did you ever think, that god is not only to help us? Go you think god can be your best friend? Even to drink some wine with him? To have a relationship free of any interest or favors? He was surprised. I Told him, Human relationships are not all based on interest. Suppose that god exists, I say suppose because this person does not believe to God. If he exist, what is your idea about him? If you are orthodox, you would know that God is loving you, whatever you are, -no-matter you believe to him or not- , so how do you feel about this ultimate lover?
More over, this God is so polite, so that he does not force you, to believe to him. He is hiding from you. If you start loving him, gradually he will be more obvious…..
He was very surprised, and he told me, he will think about. I am still waiting for him, ….
How about you? any comment?

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