
by pelayu


Do I need orthodox church?
Yes. Because you want to love but you cannot love by the best way, but you see that you cannot do it alone. You want to be “one” with the others and you cannot do it alone.
You do mistakes, in purpose or from human weakness and you cannot heal the consequences of them to you and to the others, by yourself. The orthodox church can do this. Can heal the wounds of your soul and the wounds you cause to others, moreover to transform the wounds to new life. Do not cheat yourself, you cannot forgive automatically or be forgiven.
So many challenges in the life, so many imbalance inside yourself. What to choose first and what second? What is your priorities? Because your priorities have consequences to you and to the others. The orthodox church will help you to see clearly, in the light of the love of god and put your life in order.
May be you do not want to think about but there is the death hiding and waiting for those you love. Well , only the orthodox has the best answer and helps you to overcome the death and its fear, and be always with those you love.
In difficult times may be you wonder , what I am doing now , what is the meaning of my life? The orthodox church will show you the most beautiful meaning.
In the time of joy, in the time of sorrow you will not be alone but member of this loving community , the body of Jesus.
Think about it. Do not choose with cheap criterions like church with parking lot and activities for kids. Be serious.

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