Home 7. 聖經 Bible 為什麼要成為東正教徒?


by pelayu

這不是說,你不是東正教徒,你就會下地獄,決不是。我們之前已說過關於地獄,就是拒絕神的愛和我們弟兄之愛。但如要如何實現這美麗的成就呢?必須藉由聖餐。是神成為肉身,成為一切並在一切中。歌羅西書 3:11 ……唯有基督是一切,也在一切之內。

Why to be orthodox and not other religion?
Because the orthodoxy gives you the opportunity to love the ultimate.
I will not examine here the question about truth and logic in religions. We will talk about this in the future. But being orthodox god gives you the opportunity to become one with everything in the world, to be in love with everything, a love that overcomes the death.
To become one, without losing your person, like a drop of water in the ocean, just disappears. But to exist because you can say: I love you, no matter painful may turn to be.
It is not that if you are not orthodox you will go to the hell, no. We say before about the hell, is to reject the love of god and our brothers. But how to fulfill this beautiful achievement? by the holy communion. It is God who because flesh, to be everything to everything .Col. 3:11….. 唯有基督是一切, 也在一切之內。
If you love too much, orthodoxy is for you.
Many people do not understand those things and use the religion in order to give a simplistic answer to stop the inner voice that comes asking: why I live? or the beauty of of things or persons, which is evoking again the question: Do you love me?

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