Are All Religions Basically the Same? part1
Answer in Chinese:
Answer in English:
Some people say: When you strip away the rites and rituals, all religions are basically the same.
It sounds nice. Polite. Inoffensive. Politically correct.
But, of course, it’s very wrong.
Scholars of comparative religion almost unanimously agree that the world’s major religions differ in important and irreconcilable ways.
For instance, who could argue that Islam
and Buddhism are essentially the same? Islam is . Buddhism, on the other hand, has no conception of a god, except as an impersonal force.
The doctrine of grace—which is central to Christian faith—has no parallel in any other system of belief.
Once you start examining religions closely, the differences come to light fairly quickly.
Some people say “all paths lead to God” . How can all paths lead to God when all of those paths define God in radically different ways and some paths don’t even believe in God? For example Buddhism does not believe to god.
If all religions are basically the same, why to choose one, Christianity , or Buddhism or other ? For example why a Buddhist does not say ok, i will be
orthodox to please some friends ?
And how come some people claim that religions are the same?
Did they really study any religion? For example what do they know about Christianity?
Just they ‘hear from others’ and most times, what they think they knowis very incorrect. For example many taiwanese people claim that Protestants. believe to Jesus , Catholics believe to Maria. This is very silly and shows the ignorance of the person who says this. Protestants and Catholics believe to the Holy Trinity , and Catholics do not believe, they just honor and respect the mother of Jesus Christ,
it is very unfair to say this for the Catholics.
We must ask the people who say that all religions are the same: what makes them to be same: obviously what they teach about practical life. To be moral
. There is no religion which says to be bad. Indeed they all say to be good. (how good etc needs a lot of talking).
Some (Buddhists ) say that “To abstain from all evil, the practice of good,
and the thorough purification of one’s mind – this is the teaching of the Buddhas.” (From the Dhammapada) this makes the religions to be the same.