blue Monday 7:00-8:00pm bible study.
7. 聖經 Bible


blue Monday 7:00-8:00pm bible study.

創世紀 32:24 只剩下雅各一人。 有一個人來和他摔跤,直到黎明。
神在雅各處於困苦時出現:雅各雖然對他的生命充滿恐懼,但滿心悔改願與他的哥哥和好。唯獨是神無法被探測….祂征戰!因祂要我們與祂爭戰。祂要我們平等的爭戰而不是奴隸般。與恐懼爭戰。趨於成熟。你則會說:這麼困難啊!我同意你的說法。神非仗著權能。創世紀32:26 那人說:「天黎明了,容我去吧!」雅各說:「你不給我祝福,我就不容你去。」 雅各請求祝福而非要求榮華富貴。你能想像與某人打完架卻要對方祝福你嗎?整夜與神爭戰他到底有甚麼感受呢?此時他百感交集感受到神的恩典及許多悲哀的事。他整個人沈淨在痛苦中,但不是在憎恨中…. 在他內心中他深知他與誰爭戰。
創世紀 32:27 那人說:你名叫甚麼?他說:我名叫雅各。
創世紀 32:28 那人說:你的名不要再叫雅各,要叫以色列;因為你與上帝與人較力,都得了勝。
神呼召賜予新名,故我在,我們回覆神。可憐的雅各…. 名字是他父母所取的。但神改變並給他一個新名字,以色列,給他生命新意義。創世紀32:30 雅各便給那地方起名叫毗努伊勒,意思說:我面對面見了上帝,我的性命仍得保全。創世紀 32:31 日頭剛出來的時候,雅各經過毗努伊勒,他的大腿就瘸了。但不要以人為的思想假想神的行為….要認識神是在我麼處於困境時。而非以個人的能力。在爭戰中祂要我們扛起責任,茁壯我們自己,學習與神爭戰,而非遺棄祂。東正教正是這種與神爭戰,自由且尊重我們的方式。雅各無法忘懷此事,這傷痕將留在他的腿上。如今他卻是分外的愉快。

Fighting with god.
Gen. 32:24 只剩下雅各一人。 有一個人來和他摔跤, 直到黎斀. God appears to Jacob in hard times: Jacob is full of fear for his life, but full of repentance and reconciliation for his brother. But God is not recognizable… He fights!!! and He wants us to fight with Him. He wants us not slaves but fighters as equals. To fight the fears. To be mature. So difficult you may say, and i will agree. God is not power. Gen. 32:26 那人說:「天黎明了, 容我去吧!」雅各說「你不給我祝福, 我就不容你去。But Jacob is asking blessing instead of other things. Imagine to fight with somebody and after ask blessing!!! What did he feel all the night fighting with God? He must he felt grace and many other sad things in parallel. All his personality in anguish, but not hate…. He knew in his heart with Who he fights.
Gen. 32:27 那人說:你名叫甚麼? 他說:我名叫雅各。
Gen. 32:28 那人說:你的名不要再叫雅各,要叫以色列;因為你與上帝與人較力,都得了勝。
God call us to existence , by a name. We are an answer. Poor Jacob… He says his name that his parents gave him. But God changes it. He gives him new name, new meaning of his life. Israel,
Gen. 32:30 雅各便給那地方起名叫毗努伊勒,意思說:我面對面見了上帝,我的性命仍得保全。Gen. 32:31 日頭剛出來的時候,雅各經過毗努伊勒,他的大腿就瘸了。But we cannot make God to behave like us.. We know it is Him behind our difficulties. Not as impersonal power. But by the fight he wants us to take responsibility, to built ourselves , to learn fighting with him, but not abandoning Him. The orthodox church is this fight with god. this freedom and respect to us. Jacob cannot forget. The wound will remain in his leg. But now he is so happy….
And the his deep fear, that his brother may punish him, proves wrong, the reconciliation comes.
I will write more, we need many posts , and i need your opinions and thoughts: what you would do if you where in Jacob’s situation and god attacks to you?

blue Monday 7:00-8:00pm bible study.


台灣基督正教會 the Orthodox Church in Taiwan 新北市23150新店區溪園路389-12號B8棟4樓(湯泉社區第二期