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2014.12.07 路加福音第十主日 –
路加福音13:10-17 「安息日,耶穌在會堂裡教訓人。有一個女人被鬼附著,病了十八年,腰彎得一點直不起來。耶穌看見,便叫過他來,對他說:女人,你脫離這病了!於是用兩隻手按著他;他立刻直起腰來,就歸榮耀與神。管會堂的因為耶穌在安息日治病,就氣忿忿的對眾人說:有六日應當做工;那六日之內可以來求醫,在安息日卻不可。主說:假冒為善的人哪,難道你們各人在安息日不解開槽上的牛、驢,牽去飲嗎?況且這女人本是亞伯拉罕的後裔,被撒但捆綁了這十八年,不當在安息日解開他的綁嗎?耶穌說這話,他的敵人都慚愧了;眾人因他所行一切榮耀的事,就都歡喜了。」
我記得一次我在雅典時,我因為喜歡每天去教會,去到某一間教會,這個教會的人不認識我,而那是個大日子,詳細是什麼日子我記不得了。我那時留著長髮,我才從St. Porphyrios (那時他是神父,尚未封聖)所在的一個老舊小鎮回來,所以我的鞋子、雙手都很髒。我記得有個姐妹到我面前質問我:「你是誰?你懺悔了嗎?」她其實無權這樣問我,因為她並不是神父,她只是一個每日去教會的一般信徒,但她卻把教會當成她的房子。她看到我很髒又留著長髮,因此看不順眼。我說:「是的。我懺悔了。」她又接著質問:「是誰為你行懺悔聖事?」我回答:「Porphyrios神父」她一臉驚訝地說:「哇!那…好吧」。她是否有資格告訴我是否能領受聖餐呢?這並不是她的職責。
但管理會堂的人,怎麼可能是個無神論者呢?我記得St. Porphyrios差我前往阿陀斯聖山(Mt. Athos)之前,我向他請求他的毛帽,現在那頂毛帽雖然很髒、很破舊,但我仍將它放在我的房中。離行前他最後對我說的話是:「我差你前往我在阿陀斯聖山的小屋,但在那裡你可別成了一個無神論者。」我很訝異地說:「無神論者?我去那裡,將要成為一位修士,怎麼可能變成無神論者?」他告訴我:「你難道不知道,身為一名修士,同時又是個無神論者,是多麼容易的事嗎?」我又問:「怎麼可能呢?」他告訴我:「可能的,只要你將每件事都變成規矩。你可以禱告,但是你只是在張口讀禱文,只是在完成你的職責。認為職責就是要唸一百次禱詞,要俯伏跪拜三百次等。」你將這些事視為你的職責,但卻不是真的在乎,只是行禮如儀。
這就像夫妻或情侶之間的愛,相愛的二人在多年的婚姻之後,愛卻消逝、死亡。那是因為他們沒有好好照顧愛,他們沒有將根基建於神身上,也不互相尊敬。妻子會想:「那又怎樣,我只是必須要和這個男人住在一起而已」;先生則想:「我必須和這個女人住在一起,她會幫我煮飯,我支付家庭開銷就可以了。」他們的心裡認為和誰住在一起其實並不重要,重要的是有個人可以住在一起。同樣,如果信仰成為一種習慣,就是成為無神論基督徒(religious atheism)的肇始。你可以看到法利賽人,他們的內在有許多的戲碼。他們的戲碼,就是把神的愛變成許多的規則和規矩,然後一點也不在乎神。他們只說:「安息日你不必工作,只要來會堂奉獻一些錢。」他們不是真的向神禱告,只圖外顯的行為,他們藉此衡量自己或別人是否是一個好基督徒。但我知不知道我是個好基督徒呢?我不知道。
你應該知道的事情,是你為何要來教會。如同我多次告訴你們,你不是來教會「觀賞」聖禮儀,好像去戲院看場電影或是聽場演講一樣。信徒是被膏抹(chrismated)的基督徒,你們來到教會是為了「參與」聖禮儀,即使沒有領受聖餐。誰能完成司祭的禱告?就是藉著信徒回應的「阿們」,完成我的禱告。只要司祭被任命為司祭,他就可在聖禮儀中念誦任何禱詞;但「阿們」一詞,是屬於信徒的。即使在最神聖的時刻,當司祭說:「我們懇切禱告求祢,派祢的聖靈臨到我們身上和呈現在此的祭品上。使這餅成為祢的基督珍貴的聖體。」信徒和執事也應立即同聲回應:「阿們」。特別是在聖巴西略聖禮儀祈禱文(Liturgy of St. Basil)中,就有寫明:「會眾說『阿們』」。現在聖禮儀中有時候會由我來說,那是因為信徒們沒有開口回應:「阿們」,而我不想因此中斷禮儀和影響專注。
一定要了解的是,信徒來到教會,和司祭來到教會,兩者是以同樣的方式來到教會。信徒不來教會,就好像司祭說:「我累了,我不想舉行聖禮儀。」那該怎麼辦?教會就無法舉行聖禮儀了。有時候真的十分困難,就像昨天有個嬰兒接受洗禮,而我那時的血壓卻突然降到90/48 mmHg。但你們身體健康,卻不來教會?你來教會不是為了「觀賞」聖禮儀,而是因為要「參與」聖禮儀,要來回應:「阿們」,要來祈求:「主憐憫我」。即使唱詩班只有一個人唱頌:「主憐憫我」,你也必須在你的心中跟著唱頌。要記得我對你說的,這些對你而言也許陌生,但你要記得,我們每一個人在受洗、膏抹(堅振禮)之後都有司祭職分。雖然你們與我的司祭職分有所不同,但你們同樣都有司祭身分。不要忘了你們自己是司祭。
今日多數的東正教信徒(雖然羅馬天主教在過去將人們區分為一般信徒與祭司;他們在梵蒂岡第二次大公會議(the Second Vatican Council)後停止這樣的區分。)可能都認為「神父」才是司祭,自己不是司祭。但這大錯特錯。要記住你就是司祭,因為在這祭壇後面,我們還有另一個祭壇-我們的心。St. Maximus the Confessor,最偉大的神學家,他認為神聖的司祭職分是由每一個向「道」獻祭的人所組成,而心就是每個人的祭壇,如同在教會中你我所行的聖餐獻祭。要牢記你就是君尊的司祭,不要讓你的司祭職分死去。
願 聖三一的神保守我們眾人。
影片:午餐後的對話 (關於今日講道) http://goo.gl/sjfxu4
紀錄: Baker教授
翻譯: 張奉書
Photo http://goo.gl/FFYDpv
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2014.12.07 Luke 10 – Coming to the Church as Priests
St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians 5:8-19 Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is a shame even to speak of the things that they do in secret; but when anything is exposed by the light it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it is said, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light.” Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart.
The Gospel of Luke 13:10-17 At that time, Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath. And there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years; she was bent over and could not fully straighten herself. And when Jesus saw her, he called her and said to her, “Woman, you are freed from your infirmity.” And he laid his hands upon her, and immediately she was made straight, and she praised God. But the ruler of the synagogue, indignant because Jesus had healed on the sabbath, said to the people, “There are six days on which work ought to be done; come on those days and be healed, and not on the sabbath day.” Then the Lord answered him, “You hypocrites! Does not each of you on the sabbath untie his ox or his donkey from the manger, and lead it away to water it? And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?” As he said this, all his adversaries were put to shame; and all the people rejoiced at all the glorious things that were done by him.
Fr. Jonah’s Sermon:
The Gospel today is talking about how blessed it is to come to the church and here Jesus went to a synagogue. Of course it was Saturday, and in this synagogue there was a woman who was sick and could not stand up because she had a problem with her spine, she had been like this [bends over at the waist] for eighteen years. Imagine that this had been going on and she had been walking like this with a stick for eighteen years. It is very painful, right? And she did not curse God, saying, “Eighteen years I am coming like this to the church and I don’t see any good thing in my life!” But on that day, Jesus came there. It was her day, the day for her. Actually, it was not exactly her day since all these eighteen years of suffering, excepting the Grace of God was always with her. So without asking anything; she did not ask anything of Jesus Christ, but when Jesus saw her, He said, “Daughter, you are free now.” He put His hands on her as she had been for eighteen years, the best years of her life, and she became well and she stood up.
I want to say to you that whenever we come to the church, always a small miracle is happening to us. I say a small miracle, but that is a mistake since it is the biggest and the highest miracle in the heavens and the earth. Because God becomes human, becomes flesh, and we receive him; there is no miracle higher than this on earth or in heaven.
But, as I say, something else always happens. Sometimes we understand, sometimes we don’t understand, and I want to say more about this later, but first I want to say something about the reaction of the people in the Gospel. You see, the head of the synagogue, the master, was there. Actually, this person was not teaching. He held the keys and had the responsibility of cleaning and bookkeeping, and to keep some order. His reaction to the miracle was terrible. He was not happy to see his sister, a creature of God, to be relieved of her suffering. He did not glorify God and say, “Thank you God! My sister, one of our friends, a person who has been coming to the church for eighteen years is healed. No!” He felt something that I will explain later, a mixture of jealousy and anger.
He did not dare to speak to Jesus Christ because He had just worked a miracle; who would dare to question Him? He did not say anything; he did not speak to the woman because, imagine, she would be very happy and glorify God. The people would say, “Aaah, so beautiful!” Right? Of course. And so he spoke to the people, accusing them.
First, his job was not to teach, and how many times have we seen this in the typical classical Orthodox churches in Orthodox churches, that there is always somebody there who pretends that he is the God of the church. He will say to you, “You are not dressed well,” or “You did not put on your hair-covering in the proper way;” “You did not cross yourself or light a candle;” “Sit here or sit there;” like he is God Himself.
I remember once when I was going to different churches in Athens because I liked to go to churches every day (anyhow that was a miracle), and one day in this church where they did not know me, and it was a big day, I don’t remember what. I had long hair then and I had just come from Father Porphyrios in the old part of town, so my shoes were very dirty, as were my hands. I remember a woman came to me and said, “Who are you? Did you confess?” She had no right to ask this because she was not a priest; she was just there in the church like someone who went every day and thought it was her house, but she saw me, very dirty, with long hair and so on. I said, “Yes,” and she said, “To whom!?” I said, “To Father Porphyrios,” and she said, “Ooooh! OK” [making a face of awe] What was this? Could she tell me whether or not I could receive the Holy Communion? That was not her job.
In this story from the Gospel, the master of the synagogue was an atheist. He said to the people, “There are six days of the week when you can come and cure yourselves, and Saturday is just to do nothing.” This is why Jesus Christ speaks to him so harshly, and He calls him, “Hypocrite!” And he says to him, “Even your donkey or your dog you will feed on Saturday, and this, the daughter of Abraham?” Satan had for eighteen years to be like this [bends over at the waist], to waste her time, imagine, to destroy a life. And I say, “Imagine,” because it is easy to see her outward problem, but just imagine, who would marry this woman? Who would live this woman? It was not only the physical problem, but it was the social problem, her anger, the problem of getting married, to find someone to love and to be loved by: this was a wasted and destroyed life.
And we see how this master of the synagogue had set up people not to speak. And he did not even ask forgiveness, as he should have because Jesus was recognized at least as a teacher, a rabbi, by the people. The other person was nothing, just someone who kept the keys to the synagogue and maintained order. But instead of saying, “Forgive me. I should not be so stupid. Thank you for your lesson.” (And I want to talk to you more about this later after the food – you know, we have food, coffee, and we talk a little bit and we have the camera so many people can see the how the church is a living thing, We speak about the Gospel; we talk.) Because with this person, as the Apostle says, there is no hidden thing that will not come out, as we read today. And what came out from this person? That he was an atheist.
But how is this possible that he was an atheist and he was responsible for the church? I remember that before St. Porphyrios sent me to the desert in Mount Athos, I asked him for his hat, this [pointing to the icon on the altar], and I still have it in my room, dirty of course and destroyed, His last words of advice before I left were, “I send you to my house in Mount Athos. Don’t be an atheist there.” I was so surprised; I said, “An atheist? I am going to become a monk; how could I become an atheist?” He told me, “You don’t know? It is so easy to become an atheist and still to be a monk.” I asked, “How?” And he said, “You will make everything a regulation. You may be praying, but you are just reading, ”Blah, blah, blah. OK I did my duty. My duty is to say one hundred prayers and prostrate three hundred times.’” You see this as your duty and you don’t really care but you just do it.
It is like the love between a husband and a wife, or between lovers. They loved each other, but after years of marriage the love is dead because they did not take care, because they did not base this on God and on respect for each other. So the wife thinks, “So what, I must live with this man.” The husband says, “I must live with this woman; she cooks for me; I bring some money to the house. If it is this person or somebody else is actually not important. The important thing is just that I have somebody to live with.” When religion becomes a habit, this is the beginning of religious atheism. You see the Pharisees; they were people with a lot of drama in them. What was their drama? They made the love of God into a set of regulations and rules and then they did not care for God. They just said, “Saturday you don’t work. You go to the temple and offer some money.” They don’t really pray to God; they just do outward acts. So they can measure, e.g. do I know I am a good Christian? I don’t.
This week I went to a theological institution to speak about the Prayer of the Heart, and somebody asked me, “Why should we say, ‘Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me?’ Why should we ask for mercy on us?” This person did not understand. He thought that he did not need the mercy of God. So he was thinking in prayer it was OK to say something like, “Hello God How are you doing?”
So my meaning is that it is easy to make the Church into a set of regulations, like how many big crosses should we make, should we come to the church with our hair covered or uncovered, what clothes we should wear. Other people will ask, “Did you fast three days, and so on and so on.” First of all, there is no canon about fasting in the Church, so people who ask this question are also heretics. And they don’t have any authority or right to throw people out of the church. I can give a lot of examples and we can talk later about how many people don’t come to the church because somebody in the church behaved so badly to them for external things, like if they have long hair or are not dressed properly or are not sitting properly. These people who say something like this have a very big sin.
Another thing is to know how and why do you come to the church. As I have told you so many times, you don’t come to the church to watch the Liturgy in the same way that you go to the theater or to a movie or some lecture. For those who are Orthodox because they are chrismated, you come here to participate in the Liturgy, even if you don’t receive the Holy Communion. Because who finishes the prayers of the priest? You finish my prayers, right? You know, the priest – as long as he has been ordained a priest – can say everything in the Liturgy – except the word “Amen.”When the priest says, “Send down Your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these gifts here presented. And make this bread the precious Body of Your Christ.” the people and the deacon say, “Amen.” Even at the most holy time, especially in the Liturgy of St. Basil it is written, “The people say Amen.” But sometimes I say it because the people don’t say it and I don’t want to create a problem and break the concentration.
So you must understand that you come here for a very, very serious job. Although you may not sing, although you do sing together, but the church is not a performance, is not singing. You must understand that singing or not singing is not the point. Imagine that if you came here and the priest was on strike. For an Orthodox priest this is unimaginable.
But the same thing happens if you don’t come. It’s as if you are going on strike and saying, “I don’t want to do the Liturgy,” The difference is that I am the only priest in Taiwan, so I will do it. But you may say, “There are so many believers. Somebody else will come, so I don’t care.” But, of course I understand that you may be busy or need to work on Sunday, or that you are sick, I don’t say that you must always come. But as, you know there are so many other opportunities: Tuesday we have Liturgy; Wednesday we have Liturgy; some days I go to the university but Friday and Saturday we also have Liturgy. And if there is a need, like last week there was a need to do Liturgy for somebody who was sick and I did a Liturgy because I am a priest first of all; being a student and lecturer and all the other things don’t count. So I came here and did the Liturgy with only one person. And God helped the person who was sick and going to have a very difficult operation, to survive.
So it is a very great thing to understand that you come to the church, as I come to the church, and in the same way that I come to the church. And if you don’t come to the church then it is the same thing as if I were to say, “I don’t want to do Liturgy. I’m tired.” Then so what? We could not have liturgy. And really sometimes it is hard. Yesterday there was a baby to be baptized, even though I had blood pressure of 90 over 48. But it is the same thing if you don’t come even though you are healthy. This is because you do not come to watch; you come to participate, to say “Amen,” to say, “Lord have mercy.” Even if only one singer says it, you must also say it in your heart. And remember that what I say to you may seem strange to you, but you should remember that each one of us has the priesthood after we have been chrismated and baptized. It is not exactly the same priesthood that I have, but you have the same priesthood – all of you. Don’t for forget that you are priests.
Most of the Orthodox today (although the Roman Catholic Church in the past was separating the people into laypeople and priests, they stopped this after the Second Vatican Council) we, the Orthodox – at least most of us think, “He is a priest and I am not a priest.” But this is a very big mistake. So, remember that you are priests, because remember, after this holy table [pointing to the altar], we have another holy table – our heart. St Maximus the Confessor, the great theologian of the Church says that the holy priesthood is composed of every person who sacrifices to the Word as we do here [pointing to the altar] and his heart is his holy table. So, remember your priesthood, and don’t make your priesthood to be a dead thing. Do you have any questions now, or we can talk during the food. OK Yes?
Q: When Jesus cured this woman by putting his hands on her, why did he do this?
A: We will talk about this later.
May the Holy Trinity protect all of us. We have good food today.
Videos: Dialogue of Today’s Sermon http://goo.gl/sjfxu4
Recorder: Prof. Baker