講道 Sermons

百夫長的信心 The Centurion’s True Faith

Matthew 馬太福音 8:5-13

2013.7.21 sermon by Fr. Jonah







這位軍官的心中充滿了愛,所以,他對神的信心是堅定的。耶穌基督聽見他說的話非常驚訝,也讚美了他。耶穌曾在福音中讚美過兩個人物。一位就是這位百夫長,另一位就是迦南的婦女。她請求耶穌醫治她的女兒。耶穌對門徒說:「我不該拿兒女的餅丟給狗吃。」然而,這位婦女謙卑地將自己比作耶穌身邊的小狗。(馬太福音 15:21-29)他們對耶穌基督都有極大的信心。耶穌對百夫長說:「平安的離去吧,就照你所信的,給你成就吧!」百夫長的祈禱起了極大的作用,他的祈禱與慈愛救了這位僕人。



有時候,我們的祈禱並不是那麼適當。Saint John Chrysostom的願望是在修道院中成為一名優秀的修士,他日夜祈禱希望自己的願望成真。然而,他的母親希望他留在家中,她懇切地祈禱這件事情不會成真。母親的祈禱是熱切而強烈的,最後上帝應允了這位母親的祈禱。Saint John Chrysostom接受了母親的意念,他留在家中陪伴母親,直到母親過世之後才前往修道院。






2013.07.28 Matthew 5:8-13  Prayer and Power – Suffering and Faith


The Gospel today speaks about a very moving situation when Jesus came to a town called Capernaum. Then a Roman officer, actually he was not the highest but he was a mid-class officer, he came to Jesus Christ, and he begged Him, calling Him “Lord” He begged him to cure his servant because his servant was very sick and suffering.

        Actually, we see here something very unique. There is somebody who is begging and praying for somebody who was a slave. He, as an officer – and remember in the past a Roman officer was a ruler – for a slave goes to Jesus Christ, begging Him. This person had so much love – it was very humiliating for him to go and beg from a Jew. Actually he had so much love, because he was so concerned about the slave. In this time it would have been so e easy to just buy another slave if the slave got sick and died. This shows so much love, simple and from his heart, and this reminds many times us how important are our prayers for those whom we don’t know or they are not so close to us.

It is very important, the Bible does not say to us anything about the servant– we know that he was cured, but the servant does not appear in this reading of the Gospel; we don’t know anything else about him. And this reminds us again reminds us how powerful are our prayers for others, for those who are not our family but we know them and even for those we don’t know. This love that this Roman officer had, changed him a lot and gave him the real faith, a very deep faith.

Why do I say this? Because Jesus at once said, “I will come to your house and will cure him.” But the good person told him, “No need, just say it from here and it will happen,” And he said, “I am not worthy for you to come to my house.” He did not say to Him, “No need to come because probably my mother or somebody else will be offended by your presence.” (As many times I am begging to come to your house to bless your home but people refuse.) But this person was really feeling unworthy. He knew so much that Jesus was so great that He was God, and in front of God he was feeling that he was nothing.

Also in many books, many scholars of the Bible say that because he was so polite and he cared for Jesus Christ. Why? Because for a Jew it was a sin that would make him unclean to go into the house of a Gentile. If tbis were to happen, especially in the house of a Roman officer, where there should be the flags of Rome, probably some idols, then the Jews would accuse Jesus that He had become unclean. So he was so polite, he was so gentle, and he cared for Jesus Christ. And most of all, he had such strong faith. He said to Jesus, “I am not worthy, but just say one word and it will be done.”

And he continues, “I know because I have authority as an officer. I say to this soldier, ‘Got here,’ and he goes, I say to a slave, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” So we see here the correct understanding of authority. If this officer knew what authority he had, then he knew the authority of God. Many times people, including myself, we know the authority we have but we forget that God has authority more than us. And the authority of God is different from the easy authority that we have. Because the authority that we have is, “Do this.” It’s an order; it’s power. But the authority of God is cure; it’s salvation. Because the officer was used to having authority, he said to Jesus, “If you want, you will not punish my servant, you can cure him just by your words.”

And finally, we see how Jesus exercised His authority: to go to the Cross, not to escape from the Cross, as the others were saying to him, “If you are the Son of God, come down from the Cross.” This is the proof of His power. Because He is the Son of God, the authority is to be sacrificed for others, the ultimate love. So from this point of view, because he had so much love, he had the correct faith. And Jesus marveled, He really admired, He praised him. There were only two people in the Gospels that Jesus praised so much, this person and the woman who was not Jewish, but from Syria, and she asked for her daughter and He told her to go away because we don’t give the bread to the puppies.

This faith is knowledge of Jesus Christ and it is to have Jesus inside of us. And this is why He said, “Go. As you want, it is done.” This reminds me and all of us, how much power prayers have. If we really knew the power that prayer has and if we asked Jesus Christ with all our hearts, then all the world could be much, much better. All our relationships could be much better. The everyday life, and the everyday struggle to have a job, to find money, to overcome difficulties, these make us think we are alone and everything depends on what I do. But from on other point of view we mujst understand that prayer can work miracles.

I have a lot of examples of the real love. One couple, I remember, they went to my spiritual father for a friend of theirs who was in another country, in Belgium. This friend was always drinking, had become an alcoholic, he did not and destroyed his family. They went to my spiritual father and they cried and prayed a lot and said, “Please do something for this person.” Because they had so much faith and they cried so much, this holy person, Father Porphyrius, prayed to God and he told them, “Go and you will see.” And in one week they called their friend to ask how he was, They did not say anything about what they had done. And their friend said, “I don’t know what happened. I go to drink and put the alcohol in my mouth and I want to vomit.” I give you just this one example, but there are so many examples in the Bible, in every time and every day in Christianity. Even sometimes if it is not such proper prayer. John Chrysostom wanted to go to the monastery, but his mother did not want him to go and she was praying to God for him not to go. Later John Chrysostom said that the prayer of his mother was stronger than his. Actually, she was not asking for the right thing, but God listened to her. Later she died and John Chrysostom went to the monastery, so he accepted that the prayer of his mother was not bad. We have so many other examples that people found a good husband or a good wife because they went to a holy person and they prayed together very strongly, and the other heard something from this prayer. And actually marriage should be the result of prayer. Because the first marriage was in Paradise before the Fall. I twas a very holy thing since God brought Adam and Eve together; they did not happen to meet under a tree and say, “Who are you? What are you doing here?” and so on.

So remember this thing, because we may read the Gospel and think, well this thing was for the Roman officer, but now we don’t have Roman officers and slaves, and these things are from two thousand years ago and they don’t touch us. But, as I say, and I say for our everyday life, for our marriage, for our kids, everything: prayer is the most powerful thing. And if the Christians in Taiwan were praying very strongly for the people in Taiwan, they should all be Christians. The mission is not only the act of one priest alone (and the others who are trying to sabotage what he is doing); it is the product of prayer first, for all the Orthodox to pray for all our brothers and sisters all over the world because they don’t know Jesus Christ. This is the real mission, for everybody, it is a very strong obligation that everybody has.

Well somebody may say to me “Father I pray so much for something, but God did not give it to me.” I pray for my my family, for someone to live but he died. I prayed for my job but I did not have success. Why did not God listen to me as He said?” I cannot say to anybody that your faith is not enough. It is enough and it is very deep. But, of course I don’t know the complete idea of God. As in the Book of Job, Job was such a good person and all these bad things happened to him. But I will say only that first you must know one hundred percent that God sees you, and that He is above you, and that He sees the tragedy, the death, the catastrophe that probably will comes to somebody. And he is there even more than in other situations, and he is inside your pain. And there is something more, and this is our faith, something much deeper in this bad situation – bad in your eyes and in the eyes of the world and the people. But for God there is something much deeper in there. When we are in this situation, we must remember the life of Jesus Christ. When he prayed before being arrested, “Father, take from me this cup.” But God did not take it from Him. If He did not take it from his Son, Jesus Christ, then we are united in this pain of Jesus Christ. But we know that something good happens, even for those who die: maybe God took them at the proper time; maybe God took them as His saints. We remember what the apostle Paul said to the Phillipians: “It is give to us not only to believe in Jesus Christ (remember this) but to suffer for him.” Somebody will say, “Don’t give me this cup,” (and I also will say it). But you know, this faith is a gift of Jesus Christ. It is not only my intellectual ability, but it’s a gift of Jesus. It is a greater gift to suffer for him. But don’t be afraid. Jesus will probably not give this to us; we are not so worthy. But at least we ask him to give us faith. And this faith can give us hope for o liurfe and love, and the power not to be afraid of life.

May the Holy Trinity protect all of us. Amen



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