講道 Sermons

2013.05.12 The Sunday of Thomas

Seeing the Kingdom of Heaven through the Holes of Jesus Christ 透過耶穌基督身上的釘孔窺見天國 (中英文)

sermon by Father Jonah

John 約翰福音 20:19-31







我們無法強迫一個人接受上帝吹的氣,唯有敞開心胸、迎向上帝的人,才能真正領受聖靈。耶穌不只帶給宗徒復活的訊息,還賜給他們寬恕。寬恕並不是法律上的和解,好像一個人犯了罪卻不受法律制裁。寬恕是重新找回內心的平安,再一次與上帝合一。因為,所謂的「罪」指的並不是犯了一條法律,而是破壞了良好的「關係」。John Chrysostom在一段有名的證道中告訴我們,復活節之夜,我們可以看見寬恕由死亡而生。教會給予世界教導,主要就是為了把平安和寬恕帶給每一個人。耶穌並沒有治癒他身上的釘痕,然而,賜下寬恕,治癒我們每個人心中的傷痕。然後,耶穌就離開這個世界。




在上文中我們提到,耶穌說:「你因看見了我才信;那沒有看見就信的有福了。」為什麼耶穌這樣說?在希臘文中「信」一字也代表信任或信心,它的意義並不局限於相信或信仰。耶穌希望多馬能夠瞭解,「信」代表的是一種參與,也就是真正參與復活的事件,擁有復活的喜悅。信仰並非那些我們插不上手而只能相信的東西。舉例來說:我身邊有一些椅子,我必須接受它們就是椅子,不然大家會覺得我瘋了。「信」來自於自由意志。我們的意志不用受到限制,也不用成為某些對象的奴隸。讓我們拋開哲學性的思維,用一種比較簡單的方式來解釋:有一對戀人深深愛著彼此。他們能夠證明他為什麼愛她或是她為什麼愛他嗎?例如:找出彼此的DNA序列,看看這些序列是否相配,如果相配就證明了他愛她情有可原。我想,這是行不通的。自由意志超越了一切必要限制。自由意志就是愛。我們相信耶穌基督,因為我們愛祂。最完美的自由意志就是愛,正如父親愛著兒子。基督宗教召喚我們追求一種新的存在方式:活出最完美的自由,也就是活出最完美的愛。很多人要我為他們證明上帝存在。首先,讓我們一同思索,從科學的觀點來看,「證明某件事」究竟代表了什麼意義?當代的認識論(epistemology)學者Karl Popper、(此人名錄音檔案無法辨識)和哲學家們都曾經提出,我們無法真正證明任何事情。往往,我們創造一個理論,然後試圖證明它是錯的。所以,我必須說,我們無法單純地「證明某件事情」。事實上,我們無法證明任何事情,也無法證明上帝。我們能做的,只有創造一個理論,然後不斷檢驗這個理論是否有錯誤。



Today is the first Sunday after Easter. When Jesus appeared, the Apostles were afraid and they were gathered in the house with the doors locked. We see that they were in doubt and in fear, but at least they were together. When the people were together Jesus appeared to them. The body of the Resurrection appeared, and it was not bound to the laws of physics, so it could enter with closed doors. The first words he said after the Resurrection were, “Peace with you.” This is important since the last words on the Cross were, “” which means “Accomplished.” Now He gives peace, the real peace, not the peace that the world gives or that we have negotiations for, but this is the peace of God, it is the gift of God and the condition of living with God. This is why when in the Liturgy the priest says several times, “Peace be with all of you,” you must remember that through the mouth of the priest, Jesus cries, “Peace with you.”  We come to the Liturgy to feel the joy and the event of the Resurrection.

Jesus showed himself to the Disciples so they could recognize him, but they were so scared they could not even believe. So he showed to them the first sign of love, the scars that He had because of His love for us. And they felt the joy and they were in the joy of the event of the Resurrection, the same joy and the same continues today in every liturgy in the Orthodox Church. And He spoke to them, He breathed to them. First of all he told them, “Peace. As the Father sends me, I send you to the world also.” It is important that the first thing Jesus says is that the Church is not a self-closed community, but the Church goes to the world, enters the world and empties to the world. And this entering is not just a mission, like somebody is doing a mission; we have missionaries of different types, missionaries of Protestants, of different religions and things like that. But it is not like that.

The mission is, he says, “Like the Father sends me,” so the mission starts from the Holy Trinity, as God wants share his life, to go out of himself, and come in to the world: this is the Church. The Church exists and it is the Church when it is in the process of going out to meet the world. So this mission is not just a small activity of the Church to say, “Our church is doing a mission, another church is not doing a mission.” It is not like this. You, we come to celebrate the Resurrection, to take Jesus inside ourselves, and them to go to the world: to our jobs, to our friends, to our families. And by our lives, our different ways, to proclaim the message of the Resurrection to everybody, So it is very important to remember what a great blessing we have to go out of ourselves, to understand that the Church is not a static community, where we are here and the others are there, so we don’t care. We take Jesus and we radiate Jesus everywhere. And this is why anyone who is against the mission, who puts obstacles in the way of the mission, is against God himself.

But it is not enough just to do missions. We must have something, and this is why Jesus breathed to them and He said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” And there are a lot of Patristic theological interpretations here, but the most important thing is that Jesus is – well you know, in Paradise when Adam took the fruit of which God had said, “If you eat of this, you will die at once.” Actually from one point of view we know that Adam did not die at once; but how did he die at once” He died at once when the Grace of God went out of him: this is the real death. Like as in the Prodigal Son, the father said, “My son was dead and he is alive now.” Actually the son was not dead; he had been enjoying his money in bad ways.

So now Jesus again breaths the spirit of the Grace of God to the Apostles, as He did during the Creation, when he breathed the breath of life to them. And later, in the Pentacost he sends the fullness of the Holy Spirit to everybody of us, as of course comes through the Church and through the sacrament of Baptism. So when we see a human being, it is, as a matter of fact, to accept this Breath of God, this Holy Spirit, because this cannot go by force, but only if we open ourselves to God. The result of this, and what the world needs from the Resurrection is not just theology; it’s forgiveness. This is why Jesus sent the Apostles not only to preach and say the message of the Resurrection, but to say the result of this, which is forgiveness. And this forgiveness is not like in the law, for example if I did something bad and nobody punishes me; it is not like this. Forgiveness is that I make peace again, and I am again united with God. Because sin is not that I break a low; sin is that I break a relationship. So forgiveness comes from the grave, as we see on Easter night from the famous sermon of John Chrysostom. Forgiveness is the first thing that somebody, when the Church preaches to the world, brings this peace and forgiveness to everybody. Jesus did not cure his scars, but he cures our scars by giving forgiveness. And then Jesus left, disappeared.

But Thomas was not with them at that time. The Bible does not say why, but for Thomas it was not good, because he lost the feeling and the taste of the Resurrection. The Disciples were very happy and they said to Thomas, “Jesus, we saw Him. He is alive!” About his character, we can see that his Greek name was Twin, which means twin, which means that many times he was balancing, and we see many times in the Gospel that he changes back and forth from one thing to another. Sometimes he would be pessimistic and say, “We should go to die in Jerusalem. We can see that his character is like this. He could not accept, he could not believe what the other disciples said to him. Actually from the point of view of the Jewish Law, he should accept what they said since there were more than two or three witnesses and it should be truth, but he did not accept. But Church, if you see the songs that we sung today in the Matins, does not accuse Thomas. The Church praises Thomas, the Church celebrates the day that Thomas touched the wounds, the scars of Jesus Christ. The Church does not tell us to blindly believe; the Church says and encourages us: if somebody is a good person and he is free, and his mind is free to search, then he will find. And actually, we see in the Bible so many times that it is ordered, “Search and you will find.”

But this faith is not the perfect faith. Thomas was thinking that faith is a belief system, and this is a very big mistake, which unfortunately even today many Christians have. Faith is not a belief system like for example I am Chinese or American or whatever nationality, and I like this political party, and I do this in my job: it is not like this. Jesus corrected this, which is very important, so please pay a little more attention.

So on the next Sunday the doors were closed because the Apostles were still afraid, and Thomas was there. Jesus appeared again and again he told them, “Peace.” And then he said to Thomas, “Come here Thomas,” because Thomas did not dare to say anything, and “Put your hand in my big wound here and in my holes and see, and don’t be an unbeliever, but be a believer.” So Jesus is very willing to help us search for him. And everybody who searches will find, definitely. For Thomas, we don’t know if he finally touched or not; the Bible does not say. But at once he fell down and said the greatest acceptance in the Bible. He said, “My Lord and my God.” But Jesus did not praise him, He said, “Because you saw me, did you believe?” And He said something that we must be happy and a little bit proud about, He said, “Blessed are those who did not see and yet believed.” As he said in the Sermon on the Mount, the last blessing is for those, all of us who not saints (maybe you are, I am not) but we have at least something good. We have a faith, even small, but we believe Him.

But why did Jesus say this? For faith, the Greek word also means trust. It is not just that we believe, for example, this thing exists. Jesus wanted Thomas to understand that faith is a participation, a participation in the Resurrection and in the joys of the Resurrection. Faith is not something that I cannot help but believe: for example, I see the chairs here around us; I must accept that there are chairs here because if I don’t accept then I am crazy. Faith is the freedom of the will. It is not my will to be bound, to be a slave to some objectives like I see these things here in front of me. To make this simpler and less philosophical, let us say a man loves a woman or a woman loves a man, can he prove why he loves this woman or why she loves him. Can say that he searched her DNA and he searched his own DNA (which actually we can do) and I saw that these DNA match? It is the freedom of the will over the necessity of the fixed. And this freedom of the will, this is love. We believe in Jesus Christ because we love Him, The perfect freedom is love, as the Father loves the Son, not because he cannot do differently. Christianity calls us to a new way of existing: in freedom over things, and this freedom is love. Many people say, “Can you prove God to me?” First of all, we see from the scientific point of view, what does it mean if I say that I can prove something? Modern epistemology, Karl Popper, , and modern philosophers, they say we cannot actually prove anything: we make a theory and we try to disprove it, to show the theory is wrong. So it is not so simple to say, “We prove.” We cannot prove God because we cannot prove anything else; we just make a theory and try to find if the theory is wrong.

So the knowledge of God is Love of God because God wants us to know him as a Trinity, as love; not as an object like He is there and He has power. That is the way that the devils know Him. And we say God, I use the wrong term, because for Christianity there is not just an abstract God who has power and I try to manipulate him. God is the Father, and the Father of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit also. And this Son became human and He loved us so much that what did He take to his Father to show him? The holes that we made in Him. Through his holes we can see the reality; we can see the infinite love of God. It is like peeping into the kingdom of Heaven through the holes in Jesus Christ . And it is also that the holes we have also, the scars on our bodies that life and bad situations with people caused on us, remind us that we were not wounded for nothing, They are part of the scars of Jesus Christ and they are ways of uniting us with others: because you gave me a scar or I gave you one, so you know me more deeply: you can see my flesh and I can see your flesh and see who you are really, love what you are and accept what you are, accept in the atmosphere of the Resurrection in which we live, and I hope we all live for all of our lives.

May the Holy Trinity protect us